Justine and I were going through her mom's old pattern stock (Mrs. Urbikas used to be the same size as I am! It's great!), and we came across this one for a dress with a really long, loose turtle neck. Justine let me take it home, and I made this shirt as a practice piece with the pattern to see how it works out.
I just bought a plain shirt at the Unique Thrift Store over on Elston, just north of Addison (love it, if you like thrifting, look for a Unique), as well as a big robe in a complementary sea green. The edges aren't finished, which is a little annoying and awkward looking, but again, just wanted to sketch this out. I also added a little length to the bottom.

In bad news though, my little Singer is a little ill, so I sent it home with my mom to have my grandpa look at and fix. This means, I won't be able to machine sew anything until at least Thanksgiving, which is rough.
Sorry for the poor photo lighting, it's tough when you're taking them of yourself!