Sunday, October 12, 2008

Pillow Pile

My friend Mark commissioned me to sew about 13 pillowcases for him for his pillow pile. I actually finished the project about a week ago, but today finally managed to make it up to his apartment to see how they all looked in real life. My own roommate and I agreed that seeing some of the fabrics together as just pillowcases we were a little worried about how they would all work together as a whole, but they've ended up looking very nice and infusing some color into his living room, which was before a little less colorful.

I made my own pattern for these, based roughly off of a pillowcase that I have which was what I wanted to sew. The pillowcases are actually made of three pieces, one large one for the 'front' of the case, and two smaller ones for the 'back'. The 'back' ones overlap in the middle of the 'back' to keep the pillow inside from falling out. The edges are rounded. It's a pretty simple design, but did take a little more work than a standard pillowcase (but I was being commissioned, so I wanted to make it worth both of our whiles).

Sold the pillowcases for the cost of fabric, and a minor labor cost per piece (1.50).

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