Saturday, January 24, 2009


I made myself a green skirt. I've been sitting on this fabric for a while, deciding what to do with it. A couple days ago I pulled it out of the basket to look at it again and decided, after looking in the mirror, that it was a little too busy and bright and intense to make a good shirt, but would work well lower down, as a skirt. I sifted through my stock of patterns and found a good one that's relatively simple, seams on the sides, seam in back, facing at the top, hem on the bottom, zipper on the side, and went to work. All in all it was only 6 pieces to cut out, so cutting (my least favorite part) went really quickly, as did all the seams. The trickiest part was the zipper, but mostly because I didn't happen to have one on hand, and had to trek all the way out to Joanns to get one. And because I was coming from a different direction than usual to get to Joanns, I got myself and my roommate a little bit lost on the way. But it all worked out eventually and early afternoon today I finished my skirt! Sorry the pictures are a little dark and fuzzy, it's hard to take pictures of myself.

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