Saturday, November 24, 2012

Quilt, In Blue- Complete

This blanket was made entirely from scraps of fabric I had lying around, all with some hint of blue, whether it was a primary color or part of an image, or just a tone in the plaid. For the back, I used a navy blue flannel sheet that I picked up at a thrift store- keeps the backing pretty simple and very cheap.

To create the top part, I first cut a right triangle out of bristol board (leftover from art school), and cut out nearly 400 triangles- which were then pieced together into squares (being careful to keep right sides up, and not putting together two triangles of the same fabric). Squares were then sewed into strips, again keeping same fabrics from abutting each other. Strips were then sewn into the large rectangle that became the top.

Once the top piece was created, I sandwiched the batting between the flannel sheet and the top, and attached them all together with baby blue yarn ties. I basted the edges and snipped the excess fabric, then used quilt binding to hold it all together. I think my quilt binding skills still leave something to be desired- I'll have to read up on that some more before my next quilt, so that I know better how to keep it from twisting a little as I sew it on.

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