I was at JoAnn's a couple weeks ago, and saw this pattern displayed on the mannequin (and I was doing so well! I hadn't picked up anything that wasn't on my list!), and I had to have it, so I went to look for it. I think it was the pockets that really sold me. Luckily the only one left in stock was in my size.
And about two or three days ago now, I woke up really wanting to spend my day making a dress. This pattern was still fresh in my head, so I chose it, and then started thinking about fabric. I definitely wanted something lighter, since it's summer right now, and such is my summer palette, and I had these old curtains lying around from last summer when I came into a large quantity of fabric & notions... It worked out well, since the curtains provided more fabric than I needed, and they were lined, so I didn't have to go out of my way to pick out lining or even separately cut the lining. I also happened to have the right size zipper on hand, and I used it.

I was surprised by the simplicity of the pattern, I had expected it to require more than 7 pattern pieces, but it didn't! The cutting when very quickly! And I actually followed the instructions for once, which was a good idea, since they had me putting the zipper on the side, and cleverly putting together the bodice part (while not particularly any more difficult, I had never done a side zipper before). Even the pleats weren't so bad, not nearly as frustrating as tucks (for the layman/woman: tucks require you to fold, and then individually sew a length of about an inch or two, while pleats only require you to fold, and then sew into the seam, which requires less individual attention). The only thing that is frustrating, is that side zipper. It looks nice, because the back of the neck is pretty high for a sundress, but it sits in my skin weird. Not really 'scratchy', but definitely itchy on occasion.