Sunday, October 18, 2009

In this business of show, you have to have the heart of a lion, and the hide of an elefant.

Earlier today I saw a very cute elephant on etsy, and it made me think that cute elephants might be within my stuffed animal reach. So, I threw together a pattern, scoured my bins for fabric that would be elephant friendly, and got to work. His (her?) eyes are gold, I might've been able to sew them with brown thread instead of using buttons if I had wanted to work on the project for longer than I did (this was about an hour, hour and a half of work). I thought about adding a tail on the butt-end, but then forgot about it when I was actually sewing the pieces together. Whoops... And, yes, I realize that the back side of the ears is the side usually facing out/forward, and the inner ear is usually the hidden side, but I took a little license with elephant genealogy for the sake of visual contrast. The tutu thing was a whim.

If I make another elephant, I think I will need to remember to place the tail in before sewing, and I'll want to move the trunk up a little bit, it looked fine when I was drawing it out, but on the finished product is mildly confusing where the head/leg/trunk all fit together. I also ran out of stuffing near the end of the stuffing process and had to take batting and rip it apart to simulate stuffing. It stuffs up pretty sturdy in the midsection because of this, but really.. there is nowhere within ten minutes of my apartment that I would be able to purchase stuffing, and a little sturdiness in the middle is mildly appropriate- it IS an elephant after all. Also the back leg is thicker than the front. Didn't pay close enough attention to my home-made pattern there.

Apologies on the flash in the second image.

1 comment:

Earthbound Spirit said...

I think the elephants have potential - and this one is still cute...