Friday, April 24, 2009

Gift Rug Colors

This post is for Mark W.B. and Mark alone, really. I bought some fabric for the rug I'm making you and Ian as your moving gift... These are the colors I picked out, sortof following the Asian theme I got from you, though it ended up going more in the Tibetan Buddhist direction than anything else. Maybe I should throw in a copy of one of HH Dalai Lama's books with your gift?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

a dress, i guess

I actually followed the pattern pretty much straight through, though I got lazy on the lining for the back of the top/bodice. Tucks, I still hate doing, though I am good at them when I want a thing to look nice- I recently got a nice (I think, my mom says "it hurts to look at") button up from the thrift store, and I noticed that the tucks on the bottom face the same direction... that is weird to me, I always make mine radiate from the center. I need to take in the armpit a little bit still, it's gappy, but I'll get there eventually. Needed to use my bloggy energy spurt to get this out there!
My computer is still broken.
I never posted A LOT,
but now I just get lazy when I have to think about charging my camera batteries and going to school and using the computers there to upload pictures to my flash drive and then post a new bloggy post...